Monday, October 21, 2013

Mural Project Preview

1. I think maybe we could do a kind of "Akins experience" kind of theme and take pictures over time of the school, and students, and how they affect each other.
2. I think that it is worth capturing because it shows the "journey" the students take going through high school.
3. The phone may not capture the detail that you want and/or need.
4. The SLR camera will capture the detail you want, but not everyone has a camera to take high quality photos with.
5. I think we should use our phones, that whenever we see something that fits the theme we can just pull out our phone and immediately take the photo.

Africa: Black and White

I liked the powerpoint because it was very pleasing to the eye and brought color to itself through what it could tell, even though the pictures were black and white.
 1. This is my favorite picture because it seems as if the rhinoceros is walking on a lake or river rather than over a puddle.
2. I think that the most obvious rules are balance and simplicity because of the single subject and it's reflection upon the puddle.
The Photographer - Nick Brandt
a. He used a Pentax 6711 with only two fixed lenses.
b. On his page it states that "[O]ne of his goals being to record a last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are destroyed by the hands of man."
c. He wants to stop the destruction of and preserve the habitats of animals all around the world.
d. "To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Academics Shoot Reflection

1. I had trouble getting some of the rules, but what I mostly saw as a challenge was trying to get what I saw into the photo.

2. Whenever I took a photo I tried my hardest to get the photo focused correctly before I took the photo, even doing a half-press of the button.

3. I think I would go to more classrooms, more classrooms with action and try to get the rules to be more obvious to the viewer.

4. I think I would most likely do the same process for focusing my photos.

5. I think the easiest rule would have to be simplicity, because it is just a matter of getting only the subject in the photo.

6. I think the hardest rule to capture would have to be line, as not many things form lines, and even then one would have to have them somehow link to the subject.

7. I think I am not so clear on the rule of balance, but just because it would be hard to find it, other than that I know what balance is in a photo.

Academics Shoot

Avoiding Mergers
1. I think I did okay for this rule, as there are a few people being cut out of the photo.
2. The subject of this photo is Mr. Ashlock.
3. I think that at first glance the subject would not be very clear, but after looking at the photo again the subject would be clearer.
4. I believe if I had checked who was in the photo and who wasn't I could've made this a better photo.

1. I think I did okay for showing balance in this photo as I tried to get students on both sides of the photo.
2. The subject of this photo was Mr.Peters.
3. I feel that since the subject is so far away it is hard to recognize him at first, so the subject is not clear at first.
4. If I was closer to the subject, then I believe this could've been a better photo.

1. I think I caught some aspect of Framing as I used both the pillar on the right and the girl on the left to show depth.
2. The subject for this photo was the girl in the middle who is doing work.
3. I think the subject is rather obvious in this photo as there are only three people in the photo.
4. If I had checked the little things in this photo like the elbow and part of the student I could've taken a better picture.

1. I think I caught some good lines, but they do not really lead to anywhere.
2. The subject would have to be the people on the computer, but with the "line" it makes it seem as if the person on the very end is the subject.
3. I think the subject is not very clear in this photo because there are too many people and things distracting from the subject.
4. The subject is not very clear, and the rule is not as prevalent as I had hoped.

Rule of Thirds
1. I believe that if I was closer, then I could've caught a better example of the Rule of Thirds.
2. The subject is the person looking forward on the bottom left.
3. I feel that the subject of this photo is not very clear, and that it would be hard for someone to see the subject.
4. If I had moved then this photo would have been a better example of the Rule of Thirds.

1. I believe that if I changed to a little different angle I could have taken the separate table in the upper left out of the photo.
2. The subject is the student in the center that is working.
3. If someone were to look at this photo I think they would easily point out the subject.
4. For simplicity I think I did alright, but I do think I could have made the photo even simpler than it currently is.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Academics Shoot Preview

The Story
I feel like this picture tells the best story as it can be described in many different ways, and I feel like the event leading up to this photo would be very interesting.

Action and Emotion
With this photo I felt like the photo brought in strong emotions as the people holding hands and sunsets in the background adds to this effect.

Filling the Frame
I believe that this photo best filled its frame as almost every single part of the photo is used effectively, apart from the headroom.

I picked this photo because I thought it was very pleasing to the eye as it uses simplicity, framing to add a layer of depth to the subject, and emphasis drawing the eyes to the subject.

1. I believe I could take photos like these in the Fine Arts building, a science class, or even a computer class as those would most likely be some of the most interesting.
2. I would like to visit Mr.Peter's room as he taught me Chemistry, and he had many interesting labs for us to do, which would provide a nice subject for a photo.
3. I would try and find an interesting angle, then try and focus, and finally take the picture and see if it has come out how I like, if not I may take another or try and change things to fit one or more of the different Elements of Art and Principles of Design.