Monday, February 3, 2014

Photoshop Notes

  • Save as IMMEDIATELY - rename your image, make sure it is saved as .jpg at the highest quality, and afterwards you should save often
  • Nestle - tools that are stacked on each other, to access them you must left click and hold
  • Shortcuts - 
  1. cmd + = zoom in
  2. cmd -  = zoom out
  3. cmd o = open
  4. cmd c = copy
  5. cmd v = paste
  6. cmd z = undo 
  7. cmd + alt + z = step backward
  8. cmd s = save
  9. cmd p = print
  10. cmd l = levels
  • To rotate - >Image>Image Rotation CW and CCW, 180 = 1/2 rotation
  • Adjusting Levels - >Image>Adjustments>Levels
  • Adjusting Contrast - >Image>Adjustments>Levels, Change the middle marker of the RGB to change the contrast
  • Cropping - cropping tool
  • To make a photo black and white - >Image>Mode>Grayscale
  • Setting Resolution - Inside the cropping tool
  • Resolution guidelines - 
  1. Yearbook - 300
  2. Newspaper - 150
  3. Web - 72

First Photoshop Practice


