1. Curtis Reagan steals a kiss from Lois Lane on Friday in Times Square in New York city. Reagan grabbed a kiss excitedly after the announcement that the Allies had defeated the Nazis, ending World War II.
Henry Jameson and Alfred D'Avignon raise their fists in pride for their country during the 1984 summer Olympics. They did so not only for their country, but also for their race as a whole.
The Hindenburg Zeppelin strikes a tower and crashes into the ground on Tuesday in New Jersey. The Zeppelin fell to the ground in a fiery mess as it was punctured by the refueling tower.
An unknown man jumps from one of the Twin Towers on Wednesday, just after the building was hit by a plane. The man did this to avert a death from the collapse of the building, or one from fire.
Winston Churchill sits, staring menacingly into the lens. He did this because of the immense stress from World War 2.