Thursday, October 9, 2014

Still Life

Bowls of fruit, flowers, and bottles of liquids are usually used for still life.
A photographer needs to take all of the colors of the photo, the lighting, and what they want into account , because they can manipulate anything to get the perfect picture.
Focus on the objects in the picture is what is absolutely necessary, so aperture priority is needed.

I believe I could take still life of small objects around my house because my father has lots and lots of potential items.
People who want to buy stock photos, or people who want a general idea or theme.
It is an easy way to start and make money as an amateur commercial photographer.

I could arrange my rings, or some other things that are personal to me.
The meaning could be something about my personality considering they would all be my items.
I could use the rest of my room or my house as a background.

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