Friday, September 20, 2013

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1A. This story focuses on how unethical and inappropriate editing photos has become for the media. It gives many examples such as a missile launch in the Middle East, and a portrait of the cabinet of Israel. Both examples have been edited to show something dramatically different changing the viewers outlook on the photo.

1B. I believe that this editing is unacceptable and is very unethical because it not only changes the photo, it also changes the viewers outlook on the photo affecting how the viewer feels about the photo. This can lead to false information and degradation the trust between the photographer and the viewer.


I believe that this photo is the most unethical because it appears to be that the soldier is trying to stop the man, as if the man is opposing him in some way, or he is threatening the soldier. This ends up leading the viewer to believe different things about this photo than was originally photographed which implies the editor wants the viewer to believe in their "lie", leading them on with false information.
I believe that this photo is the least unethical because the photographer wanted to capture the full view of the pyramids in a small space, deciding rather to edit it to make them seem closer together. This is not as bad as others because it probably could have been done with a different angle and more time.

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